Monday, May 26, 2014

Like "Fire" Shut Up In My Bones!

Like "Fire" Shut Up In My Bones!

by Diana'Marion Victory

But If i say, "I will Not Mention Him or Speak His Word is in My Heart Like a "Fire" A "Fire" Shut Up In My Bones - I Am Weary of Holding it In, indeed, I CANNOT - Jeremiah 20:9

Jeremiah Cried Out in Despair mixed with Praise, unburdening his hear to God - He had Faithfully Proclaimed God's Word and had Received nothing in Return But persecution and sorrow - YET when he withheld God's Word for a while - It Became Fire in his bones until he could hold it back No Longer -
Dear Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, Elders, Watchmen, Watchwomen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, and Workers for Jehovah God - There will Come times when God will Give You uncomfortable Words to either Preach/Teach/Say - And when You say it You Won't Get Many Amens or Hallelujahs, or thanks - However, as Called Out Anointed people of God, Stand on What God has given you, and Say or do and Do It - Think of a woman Needing to give birth, and forcing herself Not to Push the baby out - Think about the Agony of Holding the baby in - She will be "bursting" with dis-comfort - This is how You will feel if you with-hold what God gives you to do or say - Don't mind what people may say, or how they may react, or the after-effects -Jeremiah received back persecution, and some sorrow - Yes it can be Heavy Leading/Working/Evangelising -  Remember That God is With You - Remember it is God You Work For - Remember That If God Said it, it MUST come to Pass - Remember Where Your Great Reward/Payment is Coming From - Look back at those great men and women of God who has gone on Before Who Stood For Something, The Gospel Truth, who were Not intimated by Fear, Paul Calls them the Great Cloud/Crowd of Witnesses, and Be Encouraged.


Heavenly Father I Lift up Every Bishop, Pastor, Reverend, Evangelist, Elder, Watchmen/women, Prayer Warrior/Intercessor, and Worker who is Still Faithfully Hanging On to the Gospel Truth - Who is Willing to Be Your Mouth piece, Who is Willing to go on the highways, and by ways to win souls, Who is willing to Stand in the gap for the Needy, who is Willing to serve in the capacity you have called them - Some have or may become weary with the burden of their Calling/Position - I Ask that You will Encourage in a Super-natural way - Inject a Passion/zeal in them that will be like a Fire than Will NEVER go Out, No matter what - Help us not to be Moved by the silences, or persecution - Help us to Run on for you ANYWAY - Knowing that We Have A Greater Reward Coming in Heaven in JESUS name - Amen -

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