Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A recalled of our wedding day 8 years ago 回憶我們8年前的一個婚禮

A recalled of our wedding 8 years ago 

Marriage ~Many is about two people or lovers get together and spending a life time. They announce to public or friends, relatives around them on their wedding ceremony. For children of God, we are as Christian have decided to love one another through sickness and health, care and take care of one another till death only depart.

For many young couples, this is a " Major " decision in life.



Question : How do I find a life-partner whom I will be sure that we will spend our lifetime together ?
Of course , you will get many kind of answers from friends, family members, relatives and even via Google.


Personally I have my simple, unique way .....個人而言,我有我的簡單,獨特的方式.....
I still remember 8 years ago, before I agreed to marry my beloved one Benjamin Liu, I decided to test his love toward me. Here is a question which I ponder for sometime and brought before him on the day he kneel and propose to me for marriage with his 12 roses on his hands.

I asked him, " IF one day, I grown old, no teeth, no more black hair as it has grown white, no more beautiful, attractive shape like now...... will you still love me as much as you are loving me now ?

I wanted to be assured that I married a "Right" man who can love me even when I am going to be ugly or old one day..... And he answered, " Yes." 

我還記得8年前,我決定測試他的愛對我,才答應嫁給我心愛的人 。有一件事我思考了一段時間,並在他面前所帶來的一天,他跪下向我求婚結婚,他12朵玫瑰在他的手的問題。



We registered our "Prophetic marriage" on 1st of Jan 2006 at Klang Hokkian Association with 200 more couple. We both were being interviewed by reporters from 5 local newspapers. 18th of Jan. 2006, we hold our Christian wedding ceremony at Grace Assembly Klang, The Lord brought 3 pastors with their families to witness our matrimonial. A sister in Christ who has prophetic gift of seeing vision witness more than 800 angels present during our wedding as we both were being the worship leaders for our wedding day.

我們註冊了我們的“預言婚姻”在2006年1月1日在巴生閩南語協會有200多對夫婦。我們都正在從5當地報紙接受記者採訪。 2006年1月18日,我們舉行了基督教的婚禮儀式在宏力巴生大會,耶和華使3牧師與家人一起見證我們的婚姻。在基督裡的姐妹誰都有看到視力的證人超過800天使目前我們的婚禮過程中,因為我們都被作為崇拜的領導人為我們的婚禮當天的先知恩賜。

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